June 5, 2020
2019-20 SVUSD Math Fellowship
Congratulations to all of the elementary teachers who participated in the 2019-2020 SVUSD Math Fellowship! Thank you Fellows for spending this school year with us engaging in the 5 Practices to promote mathematical thinking and discussions.
Trabuco Hills HS New Principal
On May 14, the SVUSD Board of Education appointed Alicia Foulk as the new Principal of Trabuco Hills High School effective July 1, 2020. Principal Foulk is thrilled to join the Mustang team as they continue to develop innovative ideas to affect student achievement and prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. Congratulations Principal Foulk and WELCOME to SVUSD Family!
Congratulations to IB Graduates
Here's a special letter and video of congratulations to the International Baccalaureate Diploma candidates from Congressman Josh Harder (Modesto) who was an IB Diploma recipient. There are total of 86 SVUSD IB Diploma candidates this year. Congratulations!
Engineering Challenges 2019-20
TK-6 STEAM ExPO Engineering Challenges continue virtually! Check out the outrageously creative submissions by the school site winners and the new video submissions. Congratulations to all the school site winners! District level winners will be announced through the link below on June 9th.
Saddleback NEXT Academy Online
The College and Career Readiness Department has partnered with Vital Link and Saddleback College to bring students Saddleback NEXT Academy Online. This is a one week (July 13th – 17th) academy to prepare students with leadership skills and the skills needed to prepare for life after graduation.
Early College Pathways Program
Through a partnership with Saddleback College, the SVUSD Virtual Academy is pleased to offer dual enrollment starting in Fall 2020 for students to earn a certificate or diploma in either Business or Communication Information Technology.
Kindergarten Registration for the 2020-2021 school year is available online! Click on the link for information regarding required documents and the steps to complete the registration process.
Are You Interested in the SVUSD Virtual Academy?
Access the links below for more information and a podcast about SVUSD Virtual Academy!
Distance Learning Summer Opportunities
Learning and exploring continue this summer with SVUSD’s Virtual learning opportunities! Each week, students in Grades K-6 will be offered grade-level choice boards with distance learning activities in Math and ELA that can be completed at home. If you are interested in helping support your child’s readiness for the next grade level and want activities to continue learning, please visit our Summer School Distance Learning site beginning June 15th at 8:00 AM.
Oportunidades de Aprendizaje Virtual Durante el verano
El aprendizaje y el descubrimiento continúan este verano con las oportunidades de aprendizaje virtual durante el verano en SVUSD! Cada semana se les ofrecerá a los alumnos de Kínder a 6o grado tableros de elección a su nivel de grado con actividades de aprendizaje a distancia en matemáticas y ELA que pueden hacer desde su casa. Si le interesa apoyar la preparación de su hijo para el siguiente nivel de grado, y quiere recibir estas actividades para seguir aprendiendo, por favor visite nuestro
sitio web
sobre la Escuela de Verano de Aprendizaje a Distancia comenzando el 15 de junio a las 8:00 AM.
Transitional Kindergarten
The application for Transitional Kindergarten for the 2020-2021 school year is now available online & may be accessed through the link.
Transitional Kindergarten
Our preschool provides a nurturing, diverse environment where 3 and 4-year olds can develop socially, emotionally, cognitively and physically while learning in Spanish. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please contact our program staff through email.
Registration for SVUSD Summer TLC day camp will begin online on Tuesday, May 26th! Current TLC families are eligible for priority registration. Refer to your email for detailed information. Click on the link to register.
Preschool Connection & TLC
Fall Registration for The Learning Connection (TLC) before and after school child care program and the Preschool Connection are now open! Registration can be completed online via the new Child Care Services Portal.
2020-21 Bus Pass Information
Bus pass sales for students attending Linda Vista ES, San Joaquin ES, La Paz Intermediate, RSM Intermediate, and Mission Viejo HS are from May 25th through June 26th. Applications must be submitted online and are processed on a first come, first served basis.
United States Census 2020
Census data affects planning and funding
for education
including programs such as Pell Grants, school lunches, adult education, and grants for preschool special education.
Your input matters! An online form is available in many different languages through the website below.
Staying Connected
In this new normal of social distancing, staying connected can be challenging, but is essential to our well-being. We would love to hear from you on how you're staying motivated and engaged with your teachers and school. Join our "Staying Connected" campaign and use
to tag us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
All of our
Saddleback Valley Shares
episodes are available on iTunes! In each episode, a guest from SVUSD goes in depth on topics from learning more about our high schools and Virtual Academy to diving deep into the Intra-District Transfer process. Learn more about SVUSD by listening to
Saddleback Valley Shares
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
SVUSD will continue to closely monitor the situation and provide you with the latest updates.
SVUSD Facilities Closures
Throughout the closure, all school site facilities are closed.
This includes fields, stadiums, playgrounds, basketball courts, etc.
We know that many families are looking for outdoor space during this time, however, please do not access these school site facilities
Follow Us on Social Media for the Latest Updates
Dr. Crystal Turner
Board of Trustees
Dr. Edward Wong
Vice President
Amanda Morrell
Suzie R. Swartz
Greg Kunath
Barbara Schulman
Student Member of the Board
Sam Tullis
Thank you for subscribing to the official Saddleback Valley Unified School District eNewsletter. We welcome your feedback, any news that can be shared with the community, and appreciate comments and suggestions.
Contact the
District Office
directly with inquiries. Please do not reply to this e-mail as we are unable to respond to messages sent to this address.